Manufacturers of drill rod, casing, split spoon sampling equipment, sub adapters, core barrels and diamond/carbide coring bits.
Design and manufacture drill rigs, flight and hollow stem augers, auger accessories, and sampling tools and systems suitable for auger, rotary or core drilling applications .
Manufacturer of diamond drilling equipment, core bits, reaming shells, casing shoes and other downhole equipment. Provides brochures, video and catalogue.
Manufactures diamond drilling equipment, coring trailers and power packs for the civil engineering and construction industries.
Complete pictures and descriptions of ice drilling and coring equipment manufactured.
Manufacturer of Three Cone Rock bits, including sealed journal, DTH Hammer bits, and Core Catchers. Sells worldwide for waterwell, mining, gas, oil, and HDD industries.
International drilling company specializes in core drilling and reverse circulation for mining and exploration industries.
Manufacturer, distributor and service provider of drill rigs, rotary drill pipes, adaptors and stabilizers used in the drilling industry.
Foundation drilling equipment manufacturer and repair company specializing in drilling rig track mount conversions, drilling tools, slurry systems, rig modifications, repairs.
Manufacturer of diamond drilling equipment, core bits, reaming shells, casing shoes and other downhole equipment. Provides brochures, video and catalogue.
Manufacturers and distributors of reamers, counterbores, countersinks, core drills, and special tooling. Searchable site with planned online purchase facility.
Manufactures range of diamond burs and polishing discs. Can also supply diamond powder and compounds, as well as small and core diamond drills.
Manufactures rock drilling tools and accessories. Drill bits, drill rods, drill accessories and other hard rock drilling tools used in mining and construction.
Melbourne based concrete drilling, cutting, and sawing service. Specialists in road, wire, wall, ring, and suspended sawing, core drilling and hydraulic bursting.
Test boring, soil sampling, rock coring, well monitoring, rock pressure testing and drilling since 1977.
Drilling contractors, Thailand. Specializing in deep water wells, onshore oilfield, geotechnical, coring, geophysical logging,and mineral exploration.
Licensed well drillers perform test borings, rock coring, install monitoring wells. Truck and all terrain vehicle drills.
Manufactures blast hole drills, water well rigs for drilling tube wells for drinking water, for irrigation and for industries in various geological formations. Also, manufactures dust collecting systems, mud, turbine, and centrifugal pumps.
Exploration and mining drilling specialists for diamond coring and reverse circulation drilling techniques.